Primobolon is basically a prolonged
version of anabolic steroids but it is different because it has an anabolic and
androgenic effect. The main active substance of primobolon 100 is methenolone enanthate.
This steroid is available in the market as the form of injections and tablets.
Most of the people are willing to buy primobolon 100 as an injection form
because it will effect in a short time than the tablets.
The main popularity of this steroid is
because it has a level anabolic effect and low androgenic effects and which
means it has a lower side effect. If you are new this bodybuilding profession
and willing to buy anabolic steroids online in the UK, then without a second
thought you can buy primobolon 100.
If you are consuming this in a right
way, then you will benefit such as it will help you to reduce the chances of
gynecomastia and it will not increase the level of cholesterol of your body and
this is why you don’t need to worry about the blood pressure. Now, if you are
willing to buy primobolon 100, then you need to know it
has some side effects such as if you are going to take this in an excessive
amount, then it will decrease the production of testosterone hormone and not
only this, it will increase the size of life.
The exact dosage of primobolon can
vary based on your physical goals and your health condition but the normal
amount of dose is 180 mg to 700 mg. Now, when you are planning to buy
primobolon 100, then you need to contact your doctor as he/she will tell you
about it. You need to keep one thing into your mind that the duration of the
course will be 8 weeks.